
simrisc cancer simulation program



simrisc - This program performs simulations in the context of breast and lung cancer


simrisc [options] analyses

The analyses argument is the name of the file specifying the analyses to perform. See section ANALYSES for details.


Simrisc was originally designed around 2010 by Marcel Greuter at the University Medical Center Groningen, and thereafter modified in 2015 by Chris de Jonge.


Short options are provided between parentheses, immediately following their long option equivalents. Several parameters specify the path-names of files produced by simrisc. If a path-name starts with a tilde character (~) then the tilde is replaced by the user's home directory. An initial + is replaced by the program's base directory (see option base). When an analysis uses multiple iterations then `$' characters in filename specifications are replaced by the analysis' interation index.

All single-letter options referring to filesystem entries (directories, filenames) are capitalized, all other single-letter options are lowercase.


Unless the --one-analysis option is used the program's first and only required argument is the name of a file providing the details of the analyses to perform. These files are called analysis files. These files must be a standard ascii text files. I.e., they can only contain 7-bit ascii printable and white-space characters. Identifiers used in analysis files and in configuration files are interpreted case sensitively.

Configuration specifications starting with uppercase letters (like Scenario: and Costs:) specify (sub)sections and don't contain additional specifications. Specifications starting with lowercase letters (like ageGroup:) are followed by actual parameter values. For a complete overview refer to the simriscparams(7) man-page.

Analysis files may define multiple analyses. Each analysis specification must begin with a line containing

At each Analysis: specification the program's initial configuration is reset.

Options specified on the command-line cannot be specified in Analysis: sections and remain active while simrisc is running. The default option values are reset at each separate Analysis: unless an option has been specified on the command-line, in which case those option values are used throughout the simrisc run.

Following Analysis: lines the characteristics of the analysis are specified which can be specified for each Analysis: specification, in the following order:

All specifications in Analysis: sections are optional. An Analysis: section merely containing the line Analysis: defines an analysis using the explicitly specified command-line options or the default program options and using the parameter specifications provided in the configuration file.

Empty lines, initial and trailing white-space, and all characters on lines starting at the hash-mark (#) are ignored and may be used anywhere in analysis files.

Lines not conforming to the above description result in error messages, causing simrisc to end.

Filename specified in Analysis: sections may start with a tilde character (~) which is replaced by the user's home directory, or they may start with an initial + character, which is replaced by the program's base directory (see option base). When an analysis performs multiple iterations then `$' characters in filename specifications are replaced by the analysis' interation index.

Multiple analysis sections should not specify identically named output files, as the output files are (re)written for each separate analysis.

Analysis sections are commonly used to alter the default specifications of the configuration file. E.g., the default number of iterations equals 1. By specifying

        iterations: 3
the analysis performs 3 iterations.

Parameters are either read from the configuration file or they are redefined in Analysis: sections. E.g., in de provided configuration file screening rounds use two-year intervals between the ages of 50 and 74. To use screening rounds using 5-year intervals, between ages 50 and 65, then an Analysis: specification could be, e.g.,

        round:     50  Mammo MRI
        round:     55  Mammo MRI
        round:     60  Mammo MRI
        round:     65  Mammo MRI

When the --one-analysis option is used parameters are modified by providing comma-separated parameter specifications as program command-line arguments. E.g., to perform one analysis, writing the data file to /tmp/data, simulating 1000 cases, and using 20 as seed for the random number generator the command

    simrisc -D /tmp/data -o Scenario:, cases: 1000, seed: 20
can be used. Note that when using the one-analysis option parameter section names must precede parameter specifications. E.g., since the parameters cases and seed are defined in the `Scenario' section (cf. simriscparams(7)) they must be preceded by the Scenario: specification.

When an Analysis: specification modifies parameters, then subsequent Analysis: sections start from the unmodified option and parameter specifications.

Here is an example of an analysis file specifying two analyses:

    base:   1
    cancer: male
    parameters: +params.txt

        cases: 10

        round:     50  CT
        round:     55  CT

    base:   2
    config: ~/src/simrisc/stdconfig/lung
    parameters: +params.txt
    cancer: breast

        cases: 20
        spread: true

        round:     50  Mammo MRI
        round:     55  Mammo MRI
        round:     60  Mammo MRI
        round:     65  Mammo MRI


The first lines of the generated files contain time stamps showing the date and time when the files were written and the used SimRisc version. Here is an example, following the RFC 2822 format for the timestamp:

    Mon, 14 Nov 2022 15:30:26 +0100 (SimRisc V. 15.00.00)
If label: lines are used then the time stamp is followed by the label specifications, which is then followed by an empty line. After this header the file's specific data are shown.

The data in all files (except for the file listing the actually used parameters (option --parameters (P))) are written using the standard comma-separated format (cf. RFC 4180). The initial lines contain table headings and column labels documenting the meanings of the various columns. Likewise there is a final line ending the tables.

Data of simulated cases

For each simulated case the values of the following variables are written to file (one line of comma-separated values per simulated case):

Actually used spread-values

When spread: true is specified then by default the actually used and orgiginal parameter values are written to the file spread-$.txt, where $ is replaced by the loop's iteration index. Here is a sample from the content of such a file, showing the values of the Tumor: DoublingTime: agegroups parameters:

        ageGroup:    1 - 50    configured: 4.38, using: 3.41972
        ageGroup:   50 - 70    configured: 5.06, using: 4.83591
        ageGroup:   70 -  *    configured: 5.24, using: 5.30492




Versions before version 15.03.00 should not be used for lung cancer simulations. The bug invalidating lung cancer simulations was repaired in version 15.03.00.


This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


Frank B. Brokken (,