Bisonc++ (Version 6.09.00) User Guide
Table of Contents
- 3.5.1: Bisonc++: an optionally reentrant Parser
- 4.5.1: %baseclass-preinclude: specifying a header included by the baseclass
- 4.5.2: %class-name: defining the name of the parser class
- 4.5.3: %debug: adding debugging code to the `parse()' member
- 4.5.4: %default-actions: adding `$$ = $1' action blocks to production rules
- 4.5.5: %error-verbose: dumping the parser's state stack
- 4.5.6: %expect: suppressing conflict warnings
- 4.5.7: %flex: using the traditional `flex++' interface
- 4.5.8: %include: splitting the input file
- 4.5.9: %left, %right, %nonassoc: defining operator precedence
- 4.5.10: %locationstruct: specifying a dedicated location struct
- 4.5.11: %lsp-needed: using the default location type
- 4.5.12: %ltype: using an existing location type
- 4.5.13: %namespace: using a namespace
- 4.5.14: %negative-dollar-indices: using constructions like $-1
- 4.5.15: %no-lines: suppressing `#line' directives
- 4.5.16: %polymorphic: using polymorphism to define multiple semantic values
- 4.5.17: %prec: overruling default precedences
- 4.5.18: %print-tokens: displaying tokens and matched text
- 4.5.19: %prompt: show prompts when using debug
- 4.5.20: %required-tokens: defining the minimum number of tokens between error reports
- 4.5.21: %scanner: using a standard scanner interface
- 4.5.22: %scanner-matched-text-function: define the name of the scanner's member returning the matched texttoken
- 4.5.23: %scanner-token-function: define the name of the scanner's token function
- 4.5.24: %stack-expansion: the number of elements added to the semantic value stack
- 4.5.25: %start: defining the start rule
- 4.5.26: %stype: defining a single semantic value type
- 4.5.27: %tag-mismatches: check for tag-mismatches with polymorphic semantic values
- 4.5.28: %thread-safe: use thread-local data with polymorphic semantic values
- 4.5.29: %token: defining token names
- Improper token names
- 4.5.30: %token-class: defining the class name containing the semantic tokens
- 4.5.31: %token-namespace: defining the namespce of the Tokens class
- 4.5.32: %type: associating semantic values with (non)terminals
- 4.5.33: %union: using a 'union' to define multiple semantic values
- 4.5.34: %weak-tags: %polymorphic declaring 'enum Tag_'
- 4.5.35: Directives controlling the names of generated files
- %baseclass-header: defining the parser's base class header
- %class-header: defining the parser's class header
- %filenames: specifying a generic filename
- %implementation-header: defining the implementation header
- %parsefun-source: defining the parse() function's sourcefile
- %target-directory: defining the directory where files must be written
- %token-path: defining the path of the file containing the Tokens_ enumeration
- 4.6.1: Polymorphism and Multiple Semantic Values: `%polymorphic'
- The %polymorphic directive
- Code generated by %polymorphic
- A parser using a polymorphic semantic value type
- A scanner using a polymorphic semantic value type
- 4.6.2: Actions and shorthand ($) notations
- %stype shorthand notations
- %union shorthand notations
- %polymorphic shorthand notations
- Mid-Rule Action Blocks
- 4.7.1: Plain Alternatives
- 4.7.2: One Or More Alternatives, No Separators
- 4.7.3: Zero Or More Alternatives, No Separators
- 4.7.4: One Or More Alternatives, Using Separators
- 4.7.5: Zero Or More Alternatives, Using Separators
- 4.7.6: Nested Blocks
- 5.3.1: `lex()': Interfacing the Lexical Analyzer
- 6.1.1: Declarations for the `rpn' calculator
- 6.1.2: Grammar rules for the `rpn' calculator
- Explanation of `input'
- Explanation of `line'
- Explanation of `expr'
- 6.1.3: The Lexical Scanner used by `rpn'
- 6.1.4: The Controlling Function `main()'
- 6.1.5: The error reporting member `error()'
- 6.1.6: Running Bisonc++ to generate the Parser
- 6.1.7: Constructing and running `rpn'
- 6.4.1: The Declaration Section for `mfcalc'
- 6.4.2: Grammar Rules for `mfcalc'
- 6.4.3: The `mfcalc' Symbol- and Function Tables
- 6.4.4: The new `lex()' member
- 6.4.5: Constructing `mfcalc'
- 7.0.1: The FIRST Sets
- 7.0.2: The States
- 7.0.3: The Look-ahead Sets
- The look-ahead token
- How look-ahead sets are determined
- 7.0.4: The Final Transition Tables
- Preamble
- 7.0.5: Processing Input
- 7.2.1: When Precedence is Needed
- 7.2.2: Specifying Operator Precedence
- 7.2.3: Precedence Examples
- 7.2.4: How Precedence Works
- 7.2.5: Rule precedence
- 8.1.1: Error Recovery